We expect to see more NHL 20 news soon
81, Neah Bay, USA

NHL 20 is coming soon, you will be able to buy the cheapest NHL 20 Coins at rvgm.com.

All the teams in the NHL not still chasing the Stanley Cup have cast their eyes to next year, and so are we in this wishlist for NHL 20. Bertz, Kim, and I have compiled a list of ideas for this year game and beyond, not to mention the usual hope that the team at EA Canada clean up the normal bugs, shore up the game collision detection, improve server performance, and all the normal things you'd expect.

With the Stanley Cup playoffs in full swing there is a lot of interest in the NHL, but EA is still silent about the NHL 20 cover star and other key details. Last year we saw outdoor hockey come to NHL 19, Real Player Motion deliver upgraded graphics and way more customization options than ever before. This year there is some hope that we will see a story mode like the NBA 2K series, classic teams and other upgrades to the game.

Over the last few years the NHL has evolved into a different animal. No longer is the game only about size and toughness, but rather it now involves speed, speed and more speed. Obviously, the skill aspect is still majorly important but the skill is now shown off at top end speed. Simply put, the game is so much faster than it was just a few years ago. And that is the problem with EA Sports annual hockey title. Perhaps not intentionally, but it feels like EA has ignored addressing these changes to the game. Sadly, we also have not received the AI changes needed in order to replicate the real life on ice product either. To me, it feels like EA NHL has kind of been the same game since maybe NHL 14?

After a relatively smooth beta, somehow everything broke at the launch of NHL 19, and the game never completely resolved its server and matchmaking issues. We hope EA dedicates the necessary resources to move beyond these lobby problems and gets players on the ice in a more orderly fashion. If you are itching to play and you didn’t buy NHL 19, you can play it free right now on Xbox One or PC with EA Access. We expect to see more NHL 20 news soon, and for pre-orders to kick off in the next month or two.

Now, EA has included some smaller nice touches you see during NHL games that are somewhat AI/gameplay related. For example, you’ll notice players will be shown chewing on their mouth guards and five-man goal celebrations. But I think we can all agree that AI/gameplay is still the biggest gripe had by many of the game fans and naysayers.

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