Mundis's blog

31, Vilnius, Λιθουανία



Years are gone for me so past
Days are running will be last
But you will be forever in my mind
Will never be place
Because you let me inside yourself
I don't know the way without your side take my hand
I don't know the way through darkest knight so vacuan
Fly away from my hand
Try again to be my friend
Night and all the dreams of you
Days it never turned so true
But you will be forever in my mind
Will never be place
Because you let me inside yourself
Rain will wash our sarcenet clauds
Snow will cover up the stars
But you will be forever in my mind
Will never be place
Because you let me inside yourself
I don't know the way without your side take my hand
I don't know the way through darkest night so vacuate
Fly away from my hand
Try again to be my friend.



I knew immediately that this will happen, I knew that everything restored or simply did not have the raw understanding why they do forgive for everything I said bad, because life does not anger, and use it. Sigh those days, when traveled in the rain with you together, I would like a repeat of that forget all of us and they leave past . Thank you for the lessons of the world to me, I hope don't do this mistake, but it is do mistake please forgive, it is important to believe in, is set up, and everything nice, and extend trust. ;]]

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