Laminate flooring has become the main market
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Strengthening substrate composite wood flooring is the use of pulverized after high-temperature cooking eliminate mold, formaldehyde glue repression. Standard product color is the color of the wood itself, since the laminate flooring will release formaldehyde into the air, cause harm to air quality, many consumers are looking for a healthy, green products, some businesses found that many consumers respectively green color between green and not very clear. So he added the green pigment in the base plate, the base material dyed green, outreach, green substrate is added to the green factor in the production process or promote its products in the green water, reducing the release of formaldehyde and other than the true nature of the substrate .swimming pool decking

Many brands are imported brand name and other slogans, the actual imports only a small part of the business, most of the use of domestic materials and techniques. In fact, imported products and domestic products, packaging the same, the same size, and even color are the same, merchant sales in the import price, you can identify the authenticity of it? In order to prove its imports of "authenticity, merchants can issue import declarations and origin certificate, and promised to leave a compensable 10, could not help but you do not believe.veranda composite top railing cap

Most industry insiders believe, from various angles environmental protection, stability, and other decorative consider departure, multilayer solid wood flooring and laminate flooring will be the future trend of development. Solid wood flooring due to their cost, serious depletion of natural resources, and in geothermal, air-conditioned environment temperature and humidity changes frequently, is not suitable for modern home use, so the proportion of its sales showed a declining trend.patio decking


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