benefits would peak
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Consumption reminds inferior smooth inferior adornment company President Peng Guihua - Beijing during the holiday, the merchant's promotional activities such as discounts and benefits would peak, home market is no exception. Reasonable discount it, but irresponsible disorderly price cut, must at the expense of the product quality and service quality.

Therefore, consumers in the face of a variety of preferential activities, should be truth, rational consumption, alert to the risks behind the discount. Inferior smooth inferior adornment on May launch "kitchen bathroom home free, preferential group put the icing on the cake".
Activities, the amount of domestic outfit contract consumers in 25000 yuan of above, can be directly given "inferior smooth inferior integral kitchen" or "brand whole wei yu". When a customer to buy advocate material or integrated products to sign the bill amount is 60% when you to a once again "inferior smooth inferior integral kitchen" or "brand whole wei yu".
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