Annu33 07. December 1979 (44), Rae, Estonia Was online less than a month ago
  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshiprelationship
  • Interested in guys aged from 43 to 50
  • I speak estonian.
  • I have two children.
  • Yet to be answered
  • I smoke.
  • My religion is spiritual, but not religious.
  • 18.11.2011
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Total votes: 246

Best result in rating:
Estonia: 271th position
07.01.2023 11:16
Rae: 1th position
07.01.2023 08:31
Her quizzes
  • Are crazy in love person The test will show how quickly you fall in love
    • You are the type of person who does not strive to connect your life with someone else. In other words, being in a relationship is not your strong point, so you rarely make new acquaintances in order to find your other half. You live quite comfortably without love, and if you suddenly have to feel sympathy for someone, then you approach this issue extremely prudently and without unnecessary emotions. For you, self-realization and success in some purely personal matters are paramount...
  • The role of fortune in your life Find out how often and in what ways you are lucky
    • Sometimes fate gives you pleasant surprises, but mostly you have to rely on your own strength. Fortune is favorable to you, but sometimes it happens in the wrong place and at the wrong time. There is no need to despair if sometimes something does not go according to plan, because if you make more of your own efforts to achieve this or that goal, then luck will certainly not pass you by...
  • What color suits you? Find out what color your character is
    • You are one of those people who are usually described as a “soft person.” You will always listen and support. You love various kinds of experiments and are always happy to share your impressions with friends. Despite your seemingly easy-going nature, you are always very worried about any trouble, but only those closest to you know that under the mask of a carefree, cheerful person, there is a vulnerable soul. Psychologists believe that the color green has a calming effect, and you too have an extremely beneficial effect on people..
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